Optical windows are used to allow optical radiation to pass from one environment to another while preventing other elements from mixing. It also has no effect on the wave length distribution of the beam, the transmitted wavefront, or the scattering of light out of the beam.
Magnesium Fluoride Window is a type of optical window made of crystalline Magnesium Fluoride. This tough, long-lasting optical material is ideal for use in harsh environments. It is highly resistant to chemical etching, mechanical and thermal shock. It has a high laser damage thres hold as well.
Magnesium Fluoride is used for optical elements in the infrared that require extreme roughness and durability. These windows are also usable in the UVA, UVB, visible and IR ranges
The MgF2 windows are thermally sensitive but do not cleave. These windows and lenses are also used in most UV optics and work well with eximer lasers. Material is also occasionally utilised in biological and military imaging applications. MgF2 is mildly birefringent and easy to work to high tolerances because it is grown in vacuum and is very robust.
As it is a low index coating material, has been used for many years in anti-reflection and multilayer coatings
Most optical manufacturers offer a range of optical components like MgF2 window, sapphire pistons, UV Optics, Silicon Optics & Sapphire Optics and more. It is important to look for a reputed manufacturers engaged in offering custom-made optical components and assembly such as lenses, prisms, windows and filters etc.